How do we move forward and what will the future look like? A question that has troubled us all ever since the Covid-19 crisis unfolded. Speaking with clients, industry colleagues, business leaders, suppliers and channel-partners we have compiled a list of things, we as people and businesses will have to deeply look into and execute. We would love to know your thoughts and suggestions about what else can be done as we all move towards a healthier and happier future.
- It is important to stay positive. Remember, that this
crisis is affecting the world, and to move forward we must focus only on the
aspects that we can control instead of worrying about what can’t be
- Connect with your stakeholders. Honestly and
openly discuss your concerns, and how you can support each other. Reach out to
your employees to reassure them. Speak to clients and understand any issues
they’re facing- it’s likely that you can come up with a way to ease some of
their worries. Staying connected is key. An empathetic and humane
approach in these times will always be remembered.
- Digitization of your business is a must. So, now is
the time to think about ways to move online if you’re not already.
- Conserve cash and be liquid. It is more important than
profit/ loss statements at this point of time. Businesses will have to be lean
and flexible.
- Collaboration is will be the new mantra as businesses
try to be asset-light and try to cut their fixed costs.
- Reach out to the weaker sections of the society,
connect with a NGO or charities who are helping families affected by Covid-19
and the amazing frontline healthcare workers who are doing an exceptional and
outstanding job in battling this pandemic.
- The governments all over the world are doing all they
can to minimize the economic blow of this pandemic but it is the decisions and
the actions taken by us all – from professionals and small local business
owners to trans-national mega corporations which will decide the course of our
- Use this time to your advantage by
connecting with your family, friends and loved ones. Catch up on reading,
movies or learn a new skill. Above all, this is a great time to recharge
and be ready for the deluge of work that may come once we get out of this. It
may take a while but things will get better.
- Stay positive and stronger and we will come out of
this as better and stronger human beings. This is not the end of the world.
It’s the beginning of a new era.